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Hibiya Mitsu Zō (Portrait of Hibiya Mitsu)
By Kanō Norinobu Colored silk canvas; scroll First year of Meiji (1868) This is a portrait of Kenjirō's grandmother, the 80 year-old...

Daikokuten Zu (Painting of Daikokuten)
By Shunkansai Hokushin Painting on silk; one side Late Edo period This painting of Daikokuten (大黒天図), a Japanese deity of fortune and...

Wakanryūgaki zu (Collection of Japanese and Chinese Drawings)
Author: Suzuki Gako Colored silk canvas; double-width cloth Latter part of the Edo period Ryūgakizu (流書図) is a collection of copies of...

Wadoku-taiyaku-jirin (Japanese-German Dictionary)
Hibiya Kenjirō (日比谷健次郎) (1836–1886) and Katō Suikei (加藤翠渓) (1818–1895) published Japan's first Japanese-German dictionary, Wadokutaiyaku...

Shikisōkazu Kobusuma (Small sliding door with drawings of seasonal flowers and grasses)
By Funatsu Bun’en 6th year of Kaei (1853) This fusuma (small sliding door) contains four side panels, and was fitted for the cupboard in...
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